HTML formatierten Text mit drawString ?

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Bekanntes Mitglied
Hallo, ich will mir einen TitledBorder bauen bei dem man den Titel auch mit HTML formatieren kann, also wie ein Label.
Gibt es eine einfache Möglichkeit mit drawString() HTML-formatierten Text auszugeben. Also eine Klasse die den
Text dann schon irgendwie vorformatiert oder kann ich irgendwie ein Label an dieser Stelle verwenden :/

Bin für jede Hilfe dankbar :)


Bekanntes Mitglied
Hab gerade mal gebastelt... :D

import java.awt.*;

import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;

public class HTMLBorder implements Border
    // Attribute
    private JLabel label  = null;
    private Border border = null;

    // Konstruktoren
    public HTMLBorder(String text)
        this(null, text);

    public HTMLBorder(Border b, String text)
        label = new JLabel(text);
        border = b;

    // implementierte Methoden von Border
    public void paintBorder(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y, int w, int h)
        Dimension d = label.getPreferredSize();
        g.translate(x, y);
        if (border != null)
            border.paintBorder(c, g, x, y + d.height, w, h - d.height);
        g.translate(8, 0);
        g.translate(-x - 8, -y);

    public Insets getBorderInsets(Component c)
        Insets i = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0);
        if (border != null)
            i = border.getBorderInsets(c); += label.getPreferredSize().height + 2;
        i.left += 2;
        i.bottom += 2;
        i.right += 2;
        return i;

    public boolean isBorderOpaque()
        return false;

    // Testmethode
    public static void main(String[] args)
        JFrame f = new JFrame("Test für HTMLBorder");
        f.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 2));
        JPanel p1 = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
        JPanel p2 = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
        JPanel p3 = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
        JPanel p4 = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
        p1.setBorder(new HTMLBorder("Normaler Text"));
        p2.setBorder(new HTMLBorder(new EmptyBorder(10, 10, 10, 10),

Normaler Text in <font color=ff0000>rot"));
                .setBorder(new HTMLBorder(
                        "<html><table border=1><tr><td>[i]AWT</td><td>kann das nicht</tr><tr><td>[i]Swing</td><td>kann das!"));
        p4.setBorder(new HTMLBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED),
                "<html>H<sub>2</sub>O und E=mc<sup>2"));
        p1.add(new JButton("Funktioniert!"));
        p2.add(new JButton("Funktioniert!"));
        p3.add(new JButton("Funktioniert!"));
        p4.add(new JButton("Funktioniert!"));
        f.setSize(600, 400);

Entspricht das Deinen Vorstellungen?


Bekanntes Mitglied
Hey ja .. cewl und danke :)

Werde das jetzt so erstmal verwenden :)

Aber, du weißt nicht zufällig auch wie man HTML zu einen AttributedString bekommt?
Dann könnte ich nämlich direkt in paintBorder(..) mit g.drawString(AttributedCharacterIterator aci, int x, int y); den String formatiert zeichnen. Da JLabel das ja wahrscheinlich auch so macht sollte ja eigentlich irgendwo ne Funktion existieren die das kann.
Google ist leider auch zwecklos, da findet sich nicht viel und in der API komm ich auch nur bis JComponent aber die Stelle wo der String konvertiert wird find ich net :(

Naja, aber zumindest funktionierts ja schonmal mit deiner Klasse :)
Besten Dank :D


Bekanntes Mitglied
So, hab heute nochmal geguckt und hab einfach den TitledBorder nen bissle abgeändert so das er statt nem String einfach nen Label anzeigt.
Also in etwa wie kaie seine Klasse. Allerdings funktionierts jetzt genauso wie ein TitledBorder, also auch mit Position des Titles etc auswählbar.
Und das beste an einem Label, es ist auch möglich Icons zu verwenden :)

Hatte ne ganze Weile noch probiert irgendwie den TitledBorder so hinzubekommen das er den Text als HTML verarbeitet aber habs nicht auf die Reihe bekommen :(
Man kann einen View mit dem BasicHTML Object erstellen und diesen muss man dann irgendwie darstellen aber dafür bin ich noch zu doof *gg*

kleines Beispiel

Und hier meine LabledBorder-Klasse:
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.FontMetrics;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.UIManager;
import javax.swing.border.AbstractBorder;
import javax.swing.border.Border;

public class LabledBorder extends AbstractBorder {

	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1304141032602452712L;

	protected JLabel label;
    protected Border border;
    protected int    titlePosition;
    protected int    titleJustification;
    protected Font   titleFont;
    protected Color  titleColor;
    protected int	 formattedWidth;
    protected int	 formattedHeight;

    private Point textLoc = new Point();

    static public final int     DEFAULT_POSITION        = 0;
    static public final int     ABOVE_TOP       = 1;
    static public final int     TOP             = 2;
    static public final int     BELOW_TOP       = 3;
    static public final int     ABOVE_BOTTOM    = 4;
    static public final int     BOTTOM          = 5;
    static public final int     BELOW_BOTTOM    = 6;
    static public final int     DEFAULT_JUSTIFICATION   = 0;
    static public final int     LEFT    = 1;
    static public final int     CENTER  = 2;
    static public final int     RIGHT   = 3;
    static public final int     LEADING = 4;
    static public final int     TRAILING = 5;

    // Space between the border and the component's edge
    static protected final int EDGE_SPACING = 2;

    // Space between the border and text
    static protected final int TEXT_SPACING = 2;

    // Horizontal inset of text that is left or right justified
    static protected final int TEXT_INSET_H = 5;

    public LabledBorder(JLabel label) { this(null, label, LEADING, TOP); }
    public LabledBorder(Border border) { this(border, null, LEADING, TOP); }
    public LabledBorder(Border border, JLabel label) { this(border, label, LEADING, TOP); }
    public LabledBorder(Border border, JLabel label, int titleJustification, int titlePosition) {
        this.label = label;
        this.border = border;


    public void paintBorder(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height) {

        Border border = getBorder();

        if (label == null || label.getText().equals("")) {
            if (border != null) {
                border.paintBorder(c, g, x, y, width, height);
        Rectangle	grooveRect = new Rectangle(x + EDGE_SPACING, y + EDGE_SPACING, width - (EDGE_SPACING * 2), height - (EDGE_SPACING * 2));
        int         labelHeight  = label.getPreferredSize().height;
        int         labelWidth = label.getPreferredSize().width + (TEXT_SPACING * 2);
        int         descent = labelHeight/2;
        int         ascent = labelHeight/2;
        int         diff;
        Insets      insets;

        if (border != null) insets = border.getBorderInsets(c);
        else insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0);

        int titlePos = getTitlePosition();
        switch (titlePos) {
            case ABOVE_TOP:
                diff = ascent + descent + (Math.max(EDGE_SPACING, TEXT_SPACING * 2) - EDGE_SPACING);
                grooveRect.y += diff;
                grooveRect.height -= diff;
                textLoc.y = grooveRect.y - (descent + TEXT_SPACING);
            case TOP:
            case DEFAULT_POSITION:
                diff = Math.max(0, ((ascent/2) + TEXT_SPACING) - EDGE_SPACING);
                grooveRect.y += diff;
                grooveRect.height -= diff;
                textLoc.y = (grooveRect.y - descent) + ( + ascent + descent)/2;
            case BELOW_TOP:
                textLoc.y = grooveRect.y + + ascent + TEXT_SPACING;
            case ABOVE_BOTTOM:
                textLoc.y = (grooveRect.y + grooveRect.height) - (insets.bottom + descent + TEXT_SPACING);
            case BOTTOM:
                grooveRect.height -= labelHeight/2;
                textLoc.y = ((grooveRect.y + grooveRect.height) - descent) + ((ascent + descent) - insets.bottom)/2;
            case BELOW_BOTTOM:
                grooveRect.height -= labelHeight;
                textLoc.y = grooveRect.y + grooveRect.height + ascent + TEXT_SPACING;

		int justification = getTitleJustification();
		if(c.getComponentOrientation().isLeftToRight()) {
		    if(justification==LEADING || justification==DEFAULT_JUSTIFICATION) justification = LEFT;
		    else if(justification==TRAILING) justification = RIGHT;
		else {
		    if(justification==LEADING || justification==DEFAULT_JUSTIFICATION) justification = RIGHT;
		    else if(justification==TRAILING) justification = LEFT;
        switch (justification) {
            case LEFT:   textLoc.x = grooveRect.x + TEXT_INSET_H + insets.left; break;
            case RIGHT:  textLoc.x = (grooveRect.x + grooveRect.width) - (labelWidth + TEXT_INSET_H + insets.right); break;
            case CENTER: textLoc.x = grooveRect.x + ((grooveRect.width - labelWidth) / 2); break;

        if (border != null) {
            if (((titlePos == TOP || titlePos == DEFAULT_POSITION) && (grooveRect.y > textLoc.y - ascent)) || (titlePos == BOTTOM && (grooveRect.y + grooveRect.height < textLoc.y + descent))) {
                Rectangle clipRect = new Rectangle();
                Rectangle saveClip = g.getClipBounds();

                if (computeIntersection(clipRect, x, y, textLoc.x-1-x, height)) {
                    border.paintBorder(c, g, grooveRect.x, grooveRect.y, grooveRect.width, grooveRect.height);
                if (computeIntersection(clipRect, textLoc.x+labelWidth+1, y, x+width-(textLoc.x+labelWidth+1), height)) {
                    border.paintBorder(c, g, grooveRect.x, grooveRect.y, grooveRect.width, grooveRect.height);
                if (titlePos == TOP || titlePos == DEFAULT_POSITION) {
                    if (computeIntersection(clipRect, textLoc.x-1, textLoc.y+descent, labelWidth+2, y+height-textLoc.y-descent)) {
                        border.paintBorder(c, g, grooveRect.x, grooveRect.y, grooveRect.width, grooveRect.height);
                else {
                    if (computeIntersection(clipRect, textLoc.x-1, y, labelWidth+2, textLoc.y - ascent - y)) {
                        border.paintBorder(c, g, grooveRect.x, grooveRect.y, grooveRect.width, grooveRect.height);
            else border.paintBorder(c, g, grooveRect.x, grooveRect.y, grooveRect.width, grooveRect.height);
        g.translate(textLoc.x + TEXT_SPACING, textLoc.y - ascent);

        g.translate(-x - (textLoc.x + TEXT_SPACING), -y - (textLoc.y - ascent));

    public Insets getBorderInsets(Component c) {
        return getBorderInsets(c, new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0));

    public Insets getBorderInsets(Component c, Insets insets) {
        FontMetrics fm;
        int	descent = 0;
        int	ascent = 16;
        int	height = 16;

        Border border = getBorder();
        if (border != null) {
            if (border instanceof AbstractBorder) ((AbstractBorder)border).getBorderInsets(c, insets);
            else {
                Insets i = border.getBorderInsets(c);
                insets.right = i.right;
                insets.bottom = i.bottom;
                insets.left = i.left;
        else insets.left = = insets.right = insets.bottom = 0;

        insets.left   += EDGE_SPACING + TEXT_SPACING;
        insets.right  += EDGE_SPACING + TEXT_SPACING;    += EDGE_SPACING + TEXT_SPACING;
        insets.bottom += EDGE_SPACING + TEXT_SPACING;

        if(c == null || getLabel() == null || getLabel().getText().equals("")) return insets;

        Font font = getFont(c);
        fm = c.getFontMetrics(font);

		if(fm != null) {
	  	   descent = fm.getDescent();
		   ascent = fm.getAscent();
		   height = fm.getHeight();

        switch (getTitlePosition()) {
          case ABOVE_TOP:
     += ascent + descent + (Math.max(EDGE_SPACING, TEXT_SPACING*2) - EDGE_SPACING);
          case TOP:
          case DEFAULT_POSITION:
     += ascent + descent;
          case BELOW_TOP:
     += ascent + descent + TEXT_SPACING;
          case ABOVE_BOTTOM:
              insets.bottom += ascent + descent + TEXT_SPACING;
          case BOTTOM:
              insets.bottom += ascent + descent;
          case BELOW_BOTTOM:
              insets.bottom += height;
        return insets;

    public boolean isBorderOpaque() { return false; }

    public JLabel getLabel() { return label; }

    public Border getBorder() {
        Border b = border;
        if (b == null) b = UIManager.getBorder("TitledBorder.border");
        return b;

    public int getTitlePosition() { return titlePosition; }

    public int getTitleJustification() { return titleJustification; }

    public void setLabel(JLabel label) { this.label = label; }

    public void setBorder(Border border) { this.border = border; }

    public void setTitlePosition(int titlePosition) {
        switch (titlePosition) {
          case ABOVE_TOP:
          case TOP:
          case BELOW_TOP:
          case ABOVE_BOTTOM:
          case BOTTOM:
          case BELOW_BOTTOM:
          case DEFAULT_POSITION: this.titlePosition = titlePosition; break;
          default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(titlePosition + " is not a valid title position.");

    public void setTitleJustification(int titleJustification) {
    	switch (titleJustification) {
        	case LEFT:
        	case CENTER:
        	case RIGHT:
        	case LEADING:
        	case TRAILING: this.titleJustification = titleJustification; break;
        	default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(titleJustification + " is not a valid title justification.");

    public Dimension getMinimumSize(Component c) {
        Insets insets = getBorderInsets(c);
        Dimension minSize = new Dimension(insets.right+insets.left,;
        switch (titlePosition) {
          case ABOVE_TOP:
          case BELOW_BOTTOM: minSize.width = Math.max(label.getPreferredSize().width, minSize.width); break;
          case BELOW_TOP:
          case ABOVE_BOTTOM:
          case TOP:
          case BOTTOM:
          case DEFAULT_POSITION:       
          default: minSize.width += label.getPreferredSize().width;
        return minSize;       

    protected Font getFont(Component c) {
        Font font;
        if(label != null && (font = label.getFont()) != null) return font;
        if (c != null && (font = c.getFont()) != null) return font;
        return new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12);

    private static boolean computeIntersection(Rectangle dest, int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh) {
		int x1 = Math.max(rx, dest.x);
		int x2 = Math.min(rx + rw, dest.x + dest.width);
		int y1 = Math.max(ry, dest.y);
		int y2 = Math.min(ry + rh, dest.y + dest.height);

		dest.x = x1;
        dest.y = y1;
        dest.width = x2 - x1;
        dest.height = y2 - y1;
		if (dest.width <= 0 || dest.height <= 0) return false;
		return true;
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