Icecat-Import (bzw. php2java)


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Hallo Leute,
ich beschäftige mich momentan mit dem icecat-Katalog ( und würde gerne die XML-Daten importieren.
Als PHP-Skript habe ich folgendes gefunden:

    function getICEcatProductSpecs($ean, $drawdescription = 0, $drawpicture = 0)
        // Username and password for usage with ICEcat   
        $username = "Your ICEcat username goes here";
        $password = "Your ICEcat password goes here";
        // Return 0 and exit function if no EAN available
        if($ean == null)
            return 0;
        // Get the product specifications in XML format
        $context = stream_context_create(array(
            'http' => array(
                'header'  => "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode($username.":".$password)
        $data = file_get_contents(''.$ean.';lang=nl;output=productxml', false, $context);
        $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($data);
        // Create arrays of item elements from the XML feed
        $productPicture = $xml->xpath("//Product");
        $productDescription = $xml->xpath("//ProductDescription");
        $categories = $xml->xpath("//CategoryFeatureGroup");
        $spec_items = $xml->xpath("//ProductFeature");
        //Draw product specifications table if any specs available for the product
        if($spec_items != null)
            $categoryList = array();
            foreach($categories as $categoryitem) {
                $catId = intval($categoryitem->attributes());
                $titleXML = new SimpleXMLElement($categoryitem->asXML());
                $title = $titleXML->xpath("//Name");
                $catName = $title[0]->attributes();
                //echo $catId . $catName['Value']. "<br />";
                $categoryList[$catId] = $catName['Value'];
            $specs =  "<table class='productspecs'>";
            $i = 0;
            $drawnCategories = array();
            foreach($spec_items as $item) {
                $specValue = $item->attributes();
                $titleXML = new SimpleXMLElement($item->asXML());
                $title = $titleXML->xpath("//Name");
                $specName = $title[0]->attributes();
                $specCategoryId = intval($specValue['CategoryFeatureGroup_ID']);
                if($specName['Value'] != "Source data-sheet")
                    $class = $i%2==0?"odd":"even";
                    $specs .= "<tr class='".$class."'>
                    if(!in_array($specCategoryId, $drawnCategories))
                        $specs .= "    <tr class='speccategory'>
                        $drawnCategories[$i] = $specCategoryId;
                    $specs .= "        <tr>
                                                if($specValue['Presentation_Value'] == "Y")
                                                    $specs .= "Ja <img src='".SCRIPT_ROOT."images/check_green.png' alt='Ja' />";
                                                else if($specValue['Presentation_Value'] == "N")
                                                    $specs .= "Nee <img src='".SCRIPT_ROOT."images/check_red.png' alt='Nee' />";
                                                    $specs .= str_replace('\n', '<br />', utf8_decode($specValue['Presentation_Value']));
                                $specs .= "</td>
            $specs .= "</table>";
            //Draw product description and link to manufacturer if available
            if( $drawdescription != 0)
                foreach($productDescription as $item) {
                    $productValues = $item->attributes();
                    if($productValues['URL'] != null)
                        $specs .= "<p id='manufacturerlink'><a href='".$productValues['URL']."'>Productinformation from manufacturer</a></p>";
                    if($productValues['LongDesc'] != null)
                        $description = utf8_decode(str_replace('\n', '', $productValues['LongDesc']));
                        $description = str_replace('<b>', '<strong>', $description);
                        $description = str_replace('<B>', '<strong>', $description);
                        $description = str_replace('</b>', '</strong>', $description);
                        $specs .= "<p id='manudescription'>".$description."</p>";
            //Draw product picture if available
            if( $drawdescription != 0)
                foreach($productPicture as $item) {
                    $productValues = $item->attributes();
                    if($productValues['HighPic'] != null)
                        $specs .= "<div id='manuprodpic'><img src='".$productValues['HighPic']."' alt='' /></div>";
            return $specs;
            return 0;

Die Ausgabe klappt in php ganz gut. Nur wie kann ich das über JAVA lösen? Gibt es sowas wie SimpleXMLElement auch in JAVA?
Irgendwie komme ich nicht an die Attribute/ Werte ran...

Danke schonmal für eure Hilfe!

Ähnliche Java Themen
